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Face Mapping



Face-mapping is an Ayurvedic and Chinese diagnosis technique that uses the patterns of conditions on the face to assess one’s overall health. Studies have been varied on whether face-mapping is an accurate reflection of one’s inner health, however, it can be an effective tool throughout skin consultation and analysis. 

*Please keep in mind that a variety of external factors can affect the skin’s condition. Face-mapping is used to identify internal reasons that may be the culprit for conditions that do not have an obvious external cause.

Your Face-Mapping Roadmap

*Disclaimer: Face-Mapping should be a tool to help hypothesize what changes in their lifestyle could be leading to your skin concerns and as a reference, ask your professional for a reference to other specialists such as a naturopathic doctor or general physician. The enclosed information may not be distributed or used as a diagnostic tool.

Identifying the Internal Source of Skin Conditions

Reference the below list of conditions found in each facial zone to help you identify a cause.

Zone 1 | Forehead

Possible Conditions + Causes

Papules and cysts exhibiting on the forehead can be caused by candida overgrowth in the gut and/or excess sugar consumption (can be connected to acne in zone 4).

Hyperpigmentation on the forehead can occur from damage in the liver, or hormonal fluctuations from hormonal birth control or pregnancy.

Food and stress can trigger a reaction in the large intestine that results in rosacea on the forehead.

Fine Vertical Lines
Dehydration in the body and alcohol consumption can present as fine vertical lines on the forehead and between the eyebrows as well as the upper lip in zone 10.

 Zone 2 | Upper Eyelids

Possible Conditions + Causes

Eczema & Skin Peeling or Flakiness
Adrenal fatigue from stress can contribute to dry patches, irritation and eczema on the upper eyelids. Caffeine and other stimulants, as well as anxiety, can also contribute to adrenal fatigue.

Zone 3 – Lower EyeLids

Possible Conditions + Causes

Dark circles, Puffiness & Redness
Alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants can contribute to these conditions as well as the use of NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin. Lack of sleep and allergens can also be the internal culprits of dark circles and puffiness on the lower eyelids.

Zone 4 – Cheeks & Temples

Possible Conditions + Causes

Papules, pustules, or cysts can arise in zone 4 due to the overgrowth of candida in the gut. Food sensitivities and allergens are also internal catalysts for acne in the cheek area.

Bacterial overgrowth in the large intestine (possibly due to food sensitivities, allergies, or gastrointestinal disease) can cause prevalent erythema in the cheek area. Rosacea can worsen from triggers of stress and some foods.

When occurring on the cheeks, the production of melasma is most commonly triggered by liver damage occurring from medication use or hormonal fluctuations caused by pregnancy or hormonal birth control.

Zone 5 – Lower-Middle Cheekbone 

Possible Conditions + Causes

Rosacea & Acne Rosacea
Redness and papules in this area are most often formed from bacterial or candida overgrowth, ulcers, or digestion disruption in the small intestine.

Zone 6 – Lateral to Nose 

Possible Conditions + Causes

The internal factors that create redness/erythema next to the nose are the presence of gastritis or H. Pylori overgrowth in the stomach. 

Zone 7 – Nasal Flares

Possible Conditions + Causes

Acid reflux affecting the lower esophagus can create redness and telangiectasia in this region.

Zone 8 – Tip of Nose

Possible Conditions + Causes

Redness in the tip of the nose can be caused by inflammation in the back of the throat which is often caused by hard alcohol or gastrointestinal reflux disease.

Zone 9 –  Lower Cheeks & Jawline

Papules, pustules and cysts in this zone can be caused by estrogenic toxins and testosterone imbalance. These imbalances commonly affect the neck, back, and chest in combination with zone 9.

In this region, pigmentation can result from liver damage caused by medications.

Zone 10 – Peri-Oral

Possible Conditions + Causes

Papules, pustules and cysts in this zone can be caused by estrogenic toxins and testosterone imbalance as well as toxins absorbed in the colon due to constipation.

Pigmentation present on the upper lip can be a result of liver damage and fluctuations in hormones from pregnancy, hormone treatment, or taking hormonal birth control.

Per-Oral Dermatitis
Internal causes for dermatitis in zone 10 can include toxicity from constipation or toxicity from orally taken solutions.

**Reference from**

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